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What They Are Saying
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“MINDsprinting allows students to work at their own pace and without the pressures inherent in a classroom setting. As a result, when a student’s teacher reviews his or her achievements (via reports that MINDsprinting provides) a clear indication of that child’s current skill levels and potential to learn is revealed. For example, in math, the lesson titles identify specific skill sets and the lesson results (percent correct and time taken) reveal the extent of mastery of those skill sets. Thus, a somewhat less obvious benefit afforded by MINDsprinting is the opportunity for parents and teachers to communicate on a regular basis, with detailed information, concerning the student’s progress.“ - Peter J. Gamlin Ph.D., C.Psych, Professor Emeritus and senior researcher, Department of Adult Education, Community Development and Counselling Psychology, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
“Often parents ask me for materials and/or programs that I can recommend for them to use at home with their children. The MINDsprinting program is a comprehensive resource, well organized and easily accessible on the web that parents can use to remediate, supplement, enhance their children’s skills in math and reading comprehension.” - Lidia Komorowsky Special Education Resource Teacher For Toronto School Board
“As an experienced educator, I recognize that it is difficult to meet the breadth of students’ learning styles within the group instruction of the classroom; we often cannot provide sufficient practice of subskills, the essential tools for comprehension and knowledge acquisition. Schools cannot do it alone. I would recommend MINDsprinting to parents because it is an enriched classroom resource that promotes student understanding and self-confidence by individualizing their learning. I would recommend it because it addresses the needs for all students, both those struggling with basics and those needing more academic challenges.” - Elizabeth Cowling, Elementary Teacher (over 20 years experience in Special Education and teaching students with learning disabilities)
“Thank you so much. I have been using it with some of the low achieving students in our after school. This program is so great that I've recommended it to a lot of my educator friends. I appreciate the work that has gone into this program and will continue to use it as well as promote it for you through my network of collaborators. [W]e are applying for the 21st Century Grant from the FDOE and if funded we will be able to expand our after school services to three new sites next school year and use this program to help those students in need of achieving grade level status ” - Thank you, Barbara Ramos, Educational Programs Director, New Life After School Program
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