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Dashboard User Guide
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The Dashboard
Fast Tracking
The place you arrive at
when you log in and where you can access all of MINDsprinting’s features.
It is extremely easy to use. Click on a number for more information.
If your Dashboard
appears different (e.g. View Answers or the Fast Tracking button does not
appear) or you are denied access to a page or feature (e.g. Edit Student
Info/Settings, Cancel Service) you logged in using the student’s user ID and
password. Students are denied access to certain functions under the default
settings unless you change them during registration or via the Edit Student
Info/Settings button on the enroller’s Dashboard.
If persons other than
the enroller will be helping with a student (e.g. a parent, older student) we
suggest you change the default settings to grant them access to the functions
they will need (e.g. View Answers, Enter Results) when logging in using the
student’s user ID and password). We recommend NOT sharing the enroller’s log in
info with anyone other than someone you want to grant control over all students
in your account.
SELECT STUDENT AND SUBJECT: Enrollers can manage all their
students from this one page. Simply select the student and subject you wish to
manage from the drop-down boxes.
PRINT LESSONS: Click on the Print button or the lesson number and
the lesson will appear in another window (e.g. a PDF window like Adobe Reader).
Then click on the printer icon at the top of the lesson window. To return to
your Dashboard: (i) close the lesson window; (ii) minimize the lesson window;
or (iii) select the button on your browser’s bottom bar that contains your
OPTIONAL HOMEWORK: Each math lesson has a companion Homework that
provides additional practice on the skill being studied. It does not have to be
done. When a lesson result is entered, both the lesson and the Homework advance
to the next number. But you can access a prior Homework at any time using the
dropdown box. If a lesson is not passed, a “Recommended Homework” box will
appear on your Dashboard in red and we recommend that it be done.
VIEW ANSWERS: Enter the number of the lesson or homework EXACTLY
the way it appears on your Dashboard or in the corners of the printed page
(e.g. M31-4; Mh14-22), click on Get Answers, and they will then appear on your
monitor. When there are multiple pages, navigate using the arrows at the bottom
of the page. Use your browser’s print button to print a page.
ENTER RESULTS: Students should enter the Start and End times in
the spaces at the top of the printed lesson. When a lesson has been corrected,
count the incorrect responses and enter the total in the Errors box next to
that lesson. Then determine how long the lesson took (or use your best
estimate) and select the appropriate range from Time dropdown box and click
Submit Results. A pop-up window will appear congratulating the student for
passing the lesson or if not, for completing it (but suggesting he/she do the
Recommended Homework that will appear in red).
UNDO LAST SUBMITTED LESSON: You can fix a results entry error or
re-take a lesson by clicking on the “Undo Last Lesson” button. The lesson will
reappear on your Dashboard. If you wish to retake lessons other than the last
submitted lesson, you can do so at Fast Tracking.
EDIT ACCOUNT BUTTONS: [e.g. Change Usernames/Passwords, Change
Parental Controls (default settings), Add Students, Cancel Service,]. Four (4)
important administrative functions are available from the Enrollers Dashboard
(they appear on the student’s Dashboard but they can never be accessed). Simply
click on: Edit Account Information to change the enroller’s information; Edit
Student Info/Settings to change the student’s information (including the
default settings for Parental Controls and the State Standards grade and
state); Register Another Student to add a student to your account; and Cancel
Service to delete one or more students. Clicking the button will take you to a
page where you can easily implement the change you desire. Make the changes and
click the button provided to submit your change. If you are asked to confirm
your change (to make sure you truly want to do it), simply click on the
appropriate button to confirm the change or to cancel it. NOTE:
To add students to your existing account, you must first log in, and then do so
from your Dashboard by clicking the Register Another Student button; DO NOT
attempt to register additional students to an existing account from the initial
registration pages. To add students to a new account, start the registration
process from the beginning. NOTE: When you cancel a student
the records are erased. When you cancel All Students the account is closed and
all records are erased.
FAST TRACKING BUTTON: Clicking the button takes you to the Fast
Tracking page where you can skip lessons, select another Unit (e.g. different
math skills), or change grade levels in reading programs. See Fast Tracking
below for instructions.
PROBLEM SOLVER BUTTON: Clicking the button takes you to a tool
that shows parents detailed solutions to various addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division problems. It is not available to students unless
you changed the default settings during Registration or by going to Edit
Student Info/Settings from the enroller’s Dashboard (and if you granted the
student access, it should not be used when doing lessons). Follow the
instructions on the Problem Solver page to enter the problem the student
answered incorrectly and then click the Solve It! button. A detailed solution
of the problem will appear that can help you locate where the student may have
made a mistake in his/her computation.
GENERAL TIPS BUTTON: Clicking the button takes you to a page that
informs you of the purpose of the Unit and contains Parent Pointers to help you
provide assistance if a student is struggling with the material. If nothing
appears, there are no “pointers” for that Unit.
VIEW/CREATE REPORTS BUTTON: Clicking the button takes you to the
page where you can select (i) a detailed Transcript that identifies the lessons
done, dates, scores, and percentages correct; (ii) a Progress Report intended
for younger students (as a motivational tool) that only identifies the number
of lessons done in a specific time period; and (iii) a Custom section that
allows you to create a report containing the information you select. And all
reports can easily be e-mailed or printed.
pictured] ASSESSMENT TEST LINK: Clicking the link takes you to the
page where you can select (i) to take the Test again without affecting the
student’s current program (e.g. to evaluate progress); (ii) to take the Test
again AND reset the student’s current program (the Test will have to be
re-taken); and (iii) to view prior Assessment Test results (upon entry of the
unique Test results number originally provided you with the Test results).
Fast Tracking is a
special tool we created to give you maximum flexibility in all MINDsprinting
programs. Fast Tracking allows you to quickly and easily do many things:
Move around in the
curriculum - forwards or backwards - as you please (advance/lower grade levels,
skip lessons, or select math skills to study).
Undo a Fast Tracked or
Completed lesson if you want it to be taken
Assign a particular
standard or lesson to one or all students (you can Fast Track one student or
the whole class at the same time).
Create your own lesson
plan using our curriculum.
Simply put, the system
will assign the first unchecked lesson, so all you have to do is fill in or
remove check marks to get the lesson you want. If that lesson is in a prior or
later Unit, first select that Unit from the Unit drop down box and then check
or uncheck lessons as necessary to get to the lesson you want.
Make sure the correct
Student and Subject have been selected from the drop down boxes.
The lesson currently
assigned is the first one appearing without a check mark. By changing which
lesson is the first unchecked lesson in any Unit you can change the assignment.
A check mark appears
before completed and Fast Tracked lessons. In the chart below, C
= completed lessons and FT = lessons that have been skipped by
Fast Tracking. [Note: Assessment Test results also cause lessons to be checked
off, marked FT, and skipped]
A checked lesson (C
or FT) in Personal Math or State Standards Math is
automatically checked, identically marked (C or FT),
and skipped in the other math program too.
When State Standards
Math is selected: “Units” are your state’s standards (abbreviated because of
space), in your state’s designated order. Our assignments (with our lesson
titles) that address that standard appear in the chart. To help you follow our
abbreviations and assignments, click on View Actual State Standard to
view/print your state’s actual standards.
To view another Unit or
State Standard, select that Unit or Standard from the “Unit” drop down box and
the lessons in it will appear in the chart. If you want to assign a lesson in
that Unit make sure that it is the first unchecked lesson and then click
Submit. You can keep switching Units without assigning a new lesson until you
click Submit.
To assign a checked
lesson ( C or FT) remove the check mark
before it (making sure it is the first unchecked lesson on the page) and press
Once you click Submit
the first unchecked lesson on the page will appear on your Dashboard.
You can also view our
entire curriculum by clicking the link on the left side of the page (not shown)
if you want to locate a particular subject and then Fast Track to it.
Additional Features:
Clicking on the Help
button will cause the same instructions above to appear in another window when
using Fast Tracking.
When State Standards
Math is the subject selected, a button will appear that causes a PDF of the
actual standards for that state to appear in another window for viewing or