What is MINDsprinting?
How much does MINDsprinting cost? How does it compare to other programs?
Is the program right for me?
How does MINDsprinting work?
I have questions about specific program features.
How does MINDsprinting work?

How does a student get started?
How is the Assessment Test taken?
What does the Assessment Test do?
Does a student have to take the Assessment Test?
How does MINDsprinting’s math program work?
What skills does the Math program address?
How does MINDsprinting’s Reading Comprehension program work?
Each unit contains 25 short stories, beginning at a 4th grade vocabulary level. The student reads a story silently and then aloud (which enables an adult to identify mispronunciations). The student then looks up unfamiliar words in a dictionary and answers 10 questions without looking at the story. The lesson is corrected (we recommend by an adult) using the Answer Key we provide, the results reported to us, and the student reviews any errors made. We track the student’s performance throughout the unit to determine the next level of stories we assign


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