What is MINDsprinting?
How much does MINDsprinting cost? How does it compare to other programs?
Is the program right for me?
How does MINDsprinting work?
I have questions about specific program features.
Is the program right for me?

Who should use MINDsprinting?
How old do you have to be?
How often should a student do an assignment?
How much time do assignments usually take?
Does an adult have to spend time helping a student?
How long should students stay in MINDsprinting?
Is MINDsprinting easy to use?
No. But for 5 minutes - you can witness the student learning. For 10 minutes - you can participate in his/her education. Your involvement can range from simply correcting assignments and reporting results, to reviewing problems done incorrectly or listening to a story read aloud. Experts agree parental involvement in a child’s education is extremely helpful, but if you can’t, you can easily instruct the system to let the student do everything alone (e.g. access the Answer Keys, report assignment results, and use the Problem Solver to review incorrectly done math problems).


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