IV: Member:Dr. Michael Luther


Michael Luther completed his Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral Studies at York University in Toronto.He is a Registered Psychologist in private practice and a supervising psychologist at The Women’s College Hospital in Toronto.Dr. Luther is co-author of the books Genie in the Lamp and Dynamic Assessment for Instruction.Dr. Luther has presented theoretical and research papers at conferences and has lectured extensively on best assessment practices and effective programming techniques for needy students.He is cofounder and coeditor of the International Journal of Dynamic Assessment and Instruction, which promotes holism in education, culture-fair assessment practices and appropriate teaching for disadvantaged minority children.Contributors come from a variety of disciplines and countries. He has also presented on counselling techniques in South Africa for the post-apartheid period. Dr. Luther has taught for Nipissing University, Nova University (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) and The Catholic University (Santiago, Chile).He has also worked as a school psychologist in Israel.


Dr. Luther has taught Education and Psychology for 20 years at York University.He was formerly (2002/03) Kumon Canada’s National Spokesman.He has done the “Feuerstein” cognitive training method for 21 years and was a Canadian representative ofthe Hadassah-WIZO-Canada Research Institute in Jerusalem.He has taught thinking skills to exceptional children (e.g., P.D.D., retarded, and slow learners). Additionally, he has developed similar materials (for young children) for the North York Board, which are being used in places such as England and Germany.Soon these materials will be utilized in schools throughout Chile as part of a UNESCO/CIDA project.Dr. Luther worked as a school psychologist with the Toronto District School Board for 23 years.


“My main area of interest has been in helping disadvantaged students to improve their ability to learn and benefit from formal instruction.This also relates to the assessment of learning potential; whenever possible I have tried to avoid the administration of I.Q. tests and have employed alternative means of assessing minority children.I have written a textbook on this issue and have lectured extensively on the misuse of standardized tests and labels.”




1974-1981: PH.D. Psychology, York University

1972-1974: M.A. Psychology, York University

1968-1972: Honours B.A. Psychology, York University

1982: Certified Psychologist’s Diploma




Summary of Publications



Edited Books1

Edited Journals1 (4 issues)

Sections/Chapters in Books7

Articles in Refereed Journals5

Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings4

Other Publications15

Technical Reports4

Conference Papers19

Other Presentations16




Luther, M.G., Gamlin, P. & Cole, E. (1996) Dynamic Assessment for Instruction:

From Theory To Application. North York, Ontario: Captus University Press


Luther, M.G., & Quarter J. (1988 & 1990) The Genie In The Lamp: Intelligence Testing Reconsidered (2nd ed.). North York, Ontario: Captus University Press


Gamlin, P., Luther, M.G. & Wagner, G (2001) Exploring Human Potential: Facilitating Growth In The New Millenium, North York, Ontario: Captus Press


Edited Journal:

Gamlin, P., Luther, M.G., & Savron, B. (Eds.) (1989 Fall, 1990 Summer, 1991 Fall, and Winter, 1992) The International Journal of Dynamic Assessment and Instruction, 1 (No.s 1-2) 2 (1-2)

Sections/Chapters in Books:

Luther, M.G. & Wagner, G. (2001) Theory of Mind: Fact ofIllusion. In Gamlin, P., Luther, M. & Wagner, G. (Eds.) Exploring HumanPotential. North York: Captus Press.

Wagner, G. & Luther, M. (2001) Internet Education: Surf or Turf .In Gamlin, P., Luther, M. & Wagner,G. (Eds.) Exploring Human Potential. North York: Captus Press.

Luther, M/ & Lazowski, B. (2001) Mediated Learning Experience In Brief Therapy: A Taxonomy. In Gamlin, P. ,Luther, M. & Wagner, G. (Eds.)Exploring Human Potential. North York: Captus Press.

Gamlin, P, Luther,M. (2001) Mediated Behavioural Training In Gamlin,P, Luther,M & Wagner (Eds.)


Luther, M.G., Edmonds, E., Asztoles, E., Luther, M.J.I. and Lacy, M. (1996) Nine Year Study: Cognitive, Motor, and Academic Outcomes of Extremely Low Birthweight Prems. In M. Luther, E. Cole, and P. Gamlin (Eds.) Dynamic Assessment for Instructio North York, Ontario: Captus University Press

Lazowski, M., & Luther, M.G. (1996) Brief Therapy As Mediated Learning Experience.In M. Luther, E. Cole, and P. Gamlin (Eds.) Dynamic Assessment For InstructionNorth York, Ontario:

Captus University Press


Carey, E., & Luther, M.G. (1988)How reliable are intelligence tests? In G. Irvine, R. Deering, D. Gerrard, & P. Sheahan (Eds.) Society: Living with change. (pp. 146-149).Don Mills, Ontario: Addison-Wesley.

Papers in Refereed Journals:

Gamlin, P. and Luther, M.G. (1993) Dynamic assessment approaches with young children &adolescents. International Journal of Cognitive Education and Mediated Learning.

Gamlin, P. and Luther, M.G. (1991, July) An alternative to IQ testing: Dynamic Assessment. The Ontario Psychologist, 23 (5) 15-16.


Luther, M.G., Edmonds, J., & Fitzgerald, D. (1990, Fall) Profoundly premature preschoolers:What parents should do.

Canadian Children, 15 (2), 51-67.



Luther, M.G & Wylie, B. (1990, Summer)Instrumental enrichment with children, adolescents and adults in special needs schools. The International Journal of Dynamic Assessment and Instruction, 1 (2), 49-70.


Luther, M.G., & Wyatt, F. (1989, Fall) A comparison of Feuerstein’s method of (LPAD) assessment with

conventional I.Q. testing on disadvantaged North York high school students. The International Journal of Dynamic Assessment and Instruction, 1 (1), 49-64.


Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings:

Luther, M.G., & Lewin, L. (1992) Evaluation of Consecutive (B.Ed.).Teacher Education AdmissionsProcedures at York University. CATE Conference Proceedings, Queens University, Kingston.


Luther, M.G. (1992) Personality characteristics of committed and uncommitted Jewish students in the early 1970s, where are they now? In Fishbane, S., Schoenfeld, S.Y., & Goldschlaeger, A. (Eds.) Essays in the social scientific study of Judaism and Jewish society, Vol. 2. Ktav Publishing, New York, N.Y.


Luther, M.G., Anasasiades, P., Wyatt, F., & Hill, C. (1987, Fall) “Educable students” (A study of Feuerstein’s assessment techniques with vocational minority students in North York). Reporting Classroom Research, 16 (3), 5-6.


Luther, M.G.,(1982. Spring). The Feuerstein method with ESL students. TESL Talk: Quarterly for Teachers of English as a Second Language,13 (2), 69-73


Other Publications:

Morrison, D., Luther, M.G., & McCullough, J. (October, 1991). Language programming with dialect students: A Language Enrichment Project in North York. Orbit.

Luther, M.G., & Duran, M. (1990) Taller de Evaluation y Desarrolo del Potencial de Aprendizaje, basado en la

teoria y practica de Vigotsky y Feurstein.Facultad de Educacion, Programa de Grados Academicos, Departmento de Educacion Especial. (Catholic University Press.)Santiago, Chile.


Luther, M.G., (1989). Word smarts: A program of language skills training. North York, ON:North York Board of Education, Bluehaven Centre.


Luther, M.G., McCullough, J., & Morrison, D.(1988). Natural oral and written language programming with Creole (West Indian) dialect students. North York, ON:North York Board of Education.


Luther, M.G., & Wylie, B.(1985) Enhancement of thinking.Program of workbooks and teachers’ manuals. North York, ON:North York Board of Education, Bluehaven Centre.


Luther, M.G., & Cameron, J. (1983) Constellation of Stars.LOGO Software. North York, ON:North York Board of Education, Bluehaven Centre.


Luther, M.G., & Mednick, H.(1983) Connexions. LOGO Software Thornhill, ON.


Luther, M.G., & Wylie, B.(1982, June) Reuven Feuerstein’s instrumental enrichment: An adaptation of technique.

Film produced for North York Board of Education


Luther, M.G.(1980, Spring). The up’s and down’s of being a toy lender. Toronto, ON: National Association of Toy Libraries Newsletter


Luther, M.G. (Ed.).(1971) Fourth World Journal, 1(1). North York, ON:Newsweb.


Luther, M.G.(1970, December). The Myth of The Chosen People. Masada, 2 (6), p.2.


Luther, M.G.(1970, October). A just solution. Masada, 2(2), p.3.


Luther, M.G. (1970, October). Multi-national state:A plan for genocide. Masada, 2(3), p.2.


Technical Reports:


Werner, D. et al.(1991Exceptionalities: Draft Report To The Deputy Minister of Education. Ministry of Education.


Mather, B., et al.(1989) Primary Junior Education Report to the Director of Etobicoke Board of Education.


Brown, M., Gaston, H., Lopata, E., & Luther, M.(1989) Bet Hayeled (preschool) evaluation. North York, ON:

Associated Hebrew Schools


Luther, M.G., Murdock, J., Stokes, N., & Wylie, B.(1984). Feuerstein’s thinking skills program with children, adolescents and adults in North York “Special Needs” schools. Report To Operations Council. North York, ON:

Board of Education for the City of North York.


Refereed Abstracts and/or papers read at conferences:


Research/theoretical paper entitled:“Brief Therapy as Mediated Learning Experience”, at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, July, 1997.

Research paper/poster entitled “Cognitive Abilities and School Outcome to 8 Years of Age for

Prematurely Born Infants with Birthweights <800 Grams”.International Conference In Infant Studies, Miami Florida, May, 1992.


Research paper on “Jewish Identity and Self Hatred” at the Third Canada-Israel Conference on Social-Scientific study of Judaism, at Bar Ilan University, Israel, in June, 1991.


Research paper (and 2-day workshop) on “The Group LPAD:Dynamic Assessment” at the First Canadian Conference on Dynamic Assessment, Ontario Institute For Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario, September, 1990.


Research paper (and 5-day workshop) on “Assessment and Intervention with Disadvantaged Children” at the Special Education and the Assessment of Special Needs Conference, Santiago, Catholic University, Chile, May, 1990.


Research paper on “Jewish Identity and Self-Hatred Personality Dynamics” at the second Canada-Israel conference on Social-Scientific Approaches To The Study of Judaism, York University, Toronto, Ontario, May, 1990.


Research paper on “Dynamic Assessment Study of Vocational Students” at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June, 1989.


Research paper on “Feuerstein’s Culture-Fair assessment of Minority Children” at Ontario Educational Research Council Conference, Toronto, Ontario, December, 1986.


Research paper on “Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment Project in North York Schools” at the Ontario Educational Research Council Conference, Toronto, Ontario, December, 1985.


Invited Papers Read at Conferences:


Research Poster on “Cognitive Abilities and School Outcome to8 years of age for Prematurely - Born Infants with Birthweights <800 gm.,”Women’s College Hospital Research Night, Toronto, February, 1992.


Research paper/workshop on “Enhancement of Thinking and Feuerstein’s I.E., at Mini-CAGE Conference, Toronto, February, 1992.


Research paper on “Profoundly Premature Preschoolers” at Issues of Prematurity - Beyond Technology Conference, Woman’s College Hospital (OISE), Toronto, April, 1990.


Research paper on “implementing a Language Program for West Indian Children” at the Teachers of English-As-A-Second-Language Conference, Toronto, Ontario, November, 1988.


Research paper on “Assessing a Language Program for West Indian Pupils” at the Canadian Association of School Psychologist, Toronto, Ontario, June, 1988.


Research paper on “Language Enrichment Project with West Indian Pupils” at the “Learners not Labels” Conference, Thornhill, Ontario, February, 1988.


Research paper on the “Use of a Culture-Fair Assessment Technique With Vocational Students” at the Ontario Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario, February, 1987.


Research paper and workshop on “Enhancement of Thinking” (E.T.) at the Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Toronto.November, 1985.


Research paper and workshop on “Enhancement of Thinking”for ESL Children at the TESL Conference, Toronto.December, 1984.


Research paper on the “Feuerstein Method with ESL Children” at the TESL Conference, Toronto, Ontario.December, 1981.


Other Workshops/Presentations:


Lectured on culture-fair testing of E.S.L. pupils at University of Toronto, Faculty of Education, July, 1979.

Lectured on computers in education for Dr. Percy Anderson at York University, March, 1981.

Lectured on raising intelligence at the MENSA Convention, July, 1982, at the Westbury Hotel, Toronto.

Workshop on “Instrumental Enrichment” for the North York Centre for Youth Services, June, 1982.

Lectured on E.S.L. teachers on “Remedial Thinking Techniques” at York University, July, 1982.

Seminar on “Instrumental Enrichment” at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, August, 1982.

Workshop series on “Enhancement of Thinking” (E.T.) for the York Region Board of Education, August, 1982.

Workshop on thinking skills using E.T. and LOGO software (with John Cameron) at the Canadian Thinking Skills Conference, Inn on the Park, Toronto, October, 1986.

Presentation on culture-fair assessment of minority students at the Peel Board of Education (Psychology and Multicultural Departments), March, 1987.

Presentation on assessment of minority students to the Assistant Superintendents of the Etobicoke Board of Education, April, 1987.

Full-day workshop on Feuerstein’s assessment methods a the J.D. Griffin Centre for Adolescents, December, 1987.

Presentation on testing minority students at a Race Awareness Conference for the Etobicoke Board, Skyline Hotel, Toronto, January, 1988.

Workshop on teaching thinking skills at the Special Education Conference at York University, May 1988.

Workshop on dealing with racism at the Conference on Multiculturalism and Race Relations, Peel Board of Education, October, 1989.

Presented a theoretical paper on Educating the Preterm Child at the “Workshop on the Preterm Infant”, Women’s College Hospital, November, 1989.

Did a workshop on “How to Identify Special Children In Your Classroom”, Board of Jewish Education.Professional Development Day, North York, February, 1990.

Opened up Holocaust Remembrance Photo Exhibit“We Were Once Children Just Like You” at North York Board of Education, November, 1991.





Employment History

From May, 2002 to July, 2003

-Position: Educational Specialist

Employer:Kumon Inc. Canada


From May, 1984 to present

-Position: Psychologist in Private Practice

- At: Thornhill SquareSuite 328, Thornhill


From September, 1990 to present

-Position:Supervising Psychologist

-Employer:NICU (Follow-up) Clinic, Women’s College Hospital


From September, 1988 to January ,2002

-Position:School Psychologist (half-time)

-Employer:North York Board of Education


From September, 1991 to present

-Position:Course Director, York University

-Programs:Psychology, Education, etc.


From July, 2001 to August, 2001

Position: Course Director

Program: Graduate Program,

Nipissing University


From February, 1993 to January, 1994

-Position:Adjunct Professor, Nova University

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

-Program:Graduate Program in Psychology


From September, 1988 to June, 1993

-Position:Assistant Professor, York University

-Program:Faculty of Education

-Programs affiliated with:In-service, Pre-service, Graduate Programs


From September, 1984 to 1988

-Position:Course Director, In -Service

-Employer:York University, Faculty of Education


From June, 1986 to September, 1986

-Position:Camp Psychologist (Resource Counsellor)

-Employer:Camp Robin Hood


From September, 1975 to August 1988

-Position:Psychoeducational Consultant (School Psychologist) full-time

-Employer:North York Board of Education, Psychological Services


From March, 1983 to August 1983

-Position:Psychologist - Visiting (unpaid)

-Employer:Hadassah - WIZO - Canada Research Institute

-Address:Beit Hakarem, Jerusalem, Israel

-Supervisor:Dr. Reuven Feuerstein


From September, 1981 to August, 1982

-Position:Teaching Master

-Employer:Seneca College, Early Childhood Education, Continuing Education Faculty


From July, 1982 to October, 1982

-Position:Supervising Psychologist

-Employer:North York Center for Youth Services (now J.D. Griffin Adolescent Centre)


From March, 1975 to July, 1975

-Position:School Psychologist

-Employer:Ashdod (Israel) Board of Education, Psychological


From May, 1974 to September 1974


-Employer:Queen Street Mental Health Centre


From September, 1973 to May, 1974

-Position:Teaching Assistant

-Employer:York University


From May, 1973 to September, 1973

-Position:Psychologist (Clinical Internship)

-Employer:Queen Street Mental Health Centre


Previous Unpaid Experience

From September, 1972 to April, 1973

From September, 1973 to April, 1974

-Position:Clinical Intern (Volunteer)

-Employer:Queen Street Mental Health Centre


From October, 1971 to April 1972

-Position:Student Therapist (practicum placement)

-Employer:Thistletown Regional Centre, Community Clinic




1991Appointed as a Fellow of Vanier College

1988Nominated for the “Champions in Education Award”,

North York Board of Education, by Head Psychologist.

1971Awarded Network Editor’s Tour to Middle East.



Books Reviewed(In 1988-1989)


Martin, D.G. (1988).Counselling and therapy skills.

Toronto, ON:(for Prentice-Hall).


Evans P., Mickelson, N.,

& Olson, A. (Eds.). (I989). The emergence of literacy.

North York, ON:(for Captus Press).



Editorial Positions


December, 1989 -94Editor of the International Journal of Dynamic

Assessment and Instruction.


November, 1991Reviewer for the International Journal of Cognitive

Education and Mediated Learning.



University Service


January, 1992On Conference Committee for York University

University of Tel Aviv Conference on Special

Education in Toronto (Aug. 1992).

December, 1991Education Graduate Council

December, 1991ISR/Education “Transitions” Committee

December, 1991Review Committee (as a Consultant) of Centre

for the Study of Computers Education (for Senate

Committee on Research).

December, 1991Review Committee of Centre on Visual Science

Perception (for Senate Committee on Research).

March 1991On Conference Committee for the Australia-Canada

Conference on Immigrants and Refugees, York

University, May, 1992.

December, 1991Y.U.F.A. Negotiation Committee (Education Rep).

February, 1991Chairman of the Harry Crowe lecture series.

January, 1991On Board of Directors for Centre for Refugee Studies.

July, 1990Senate Committee On Research

1990York University/Hebrew University (Wolinsky Scholarship)

Awards.Exchange Committee.

1989Y.U.F.A. Nominating Committee

1989Co-Coordinator of the Judaic Studies Option, Faculty of


1989York University Representative on The Jewish Board

of Education, Toronto.

1989Committee to Establish a Jewish Studies Centre at

York University.


Past Service



May, 1991Review Committee of CERLAC Centre

May 1991Search Committee for Graduate Director in


1990Institute for Social Research, “Better Beginnings

Better Futures” Research Committee.

1990Ontario Association of Dean’s In Education

Representative on Exceptionalities and Definitions

Committee (Ministry of Education)

1990Decanal Search Committee, Faculty of Education,

York University

1990On C.I.E.L.D.A. (York International) Committee

1989 to 1991Graduate Executive Committee, Faculty of Education

1988 to 1989Executive and Planning Committee, Faculty of Education

1988 to 1989Tenure and Promotions Committee, Faculty of Education

1990 to 1991Vice Chair of Council of Faculty of Education

1989 to 1991Helping with the selection and screening of students for

the Consecutive Pre-Service Program, Concurrent

Program, and Judaic Studies

1989 to 1990United Way Coordinator, Faculty of Education





“Non-teaching Leave” (Sabbatical), North York Board of Education, 1983.

North York Board of Education, 1983 (for sabbatical expenses in Israel)

Metropolitan Toronto Board of Education, 1984.Computer Software Design for Retarded Students at Bermundsay School Program.

Curriculum-Writing project, North York Board of Education, 1985.

Scarborough Children’s Aid Society Study (& “Get Smart Tutoring”) 1986. Assessment of Academic Gains by Tutored-Foster Children.

Ontario Educational Research Council 1987 (for research).

1989 (Halifax CPA Conference) Faculty of Education, York University.

Research, AD HOC Committee fund, 1989 (for a new journal).

SSHRC Travel Grant for Conference in Santiago, Chile, February 1990.

UNESCO/CIDA Assistance Program (UCAP) with Laverne Smith and Marcela Duran,1989/1990 (UNESCO Seed Grant).

Canadian Teachers Federation Grant, for Professional Developmentfor Chilean Public School Teachers, (with Laverne Smith and Marcela Duran), 1990.(For period 1990-1993).

Awards Committee for Minor Research Grant, Faculty of Education (with Associate Dean Louise Lewin).

Conference in Bar Ilan University, Israel, May, 1991.

Conference at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, July, 1997.



Graduate Supervision



-One Master’s Thesis (Completed) in Winter, 1990

-Two Master’s Thesis (Completed) in Fall, 1990 and Winter, 1992 (as external

reader) in Psychology at York.

-One Doctoral Thesis in February, 1990 (Completed) at York University in

Psychology (as external reader).

-Two Doctoral Thesis (Completed) in February, 1990 & February, 1991 at O.I.S.E.

(asthe outside reader).

-Three Master’s Thesis or Research Projects(Faculty of Education)

-One Doctoral Thesis at O.I.S.E.(as the outside reader) May, 2001


Graduate Courses Taught


ED 5550.03Assessment in Perspective (Spring, 1991)

ED 5630.03Independent Reading Course (Summer, 1991)

ED 5550.03Assessment in Perspective (Summer, 1999)

Program Evaluation (Summer, 2000; Nippising U.)


Undergraduate Courses Taught


ED/EDEX 3660.04(In-service) Learning Disabilities (1992)

ED/EDEX 4610.04(In-service) Core II Special Ed. Assessment (1984 to 1990)

ED/EDEX 3650.04(In-service)Behavioral Exceptionalities (1985 to1991)

ED/EDEX 4610.08(In-service)Special Ed. Assessment and Special Issues for North

York Board Teachers

CMYR2500.03(Pre-service)Socialization & Development (1988 to 1993)

CMYR2400.03(Pre-service)Communications (1988 to 1993)

PSYCH34103.0Educational Psychology (1996 to present)

PSYCH31403.0Abnormal Psychology (1993 to present)

PSYCH21103.0Developmental Psychology (1993 - present)

PSYCH21303.0Personality Psychology (1997 -2002)

PSYCH34503.0Environmental Psychology (2003)

PSYCH41106.0Personality Seminar (2002-2004)


Disturbances of Infancy (1998)


Community Positions

March, 1989Work on “Literacy: A Discussion Paper” group,

Western Region, North York Board of Education

Winter/Spring, 1989Work on a Concept Immersion Task Force in the

Jane-Finch (Western) Region in North York.

June, 1989Consultant on Culture-Fair Assessments at Yorkdale

Vocational School

February, 1988

to presentCounselling children at Clinic, Thornhill

1989 to presentWork at Women’s College Hospital with the Neonatal

Follow-up Clinic;Consulting psychologist (part-time) in

Research, Assessment and Programming.

1990Ontario representative of the Hadassah - WIZO - Canada

Research Institute (Jerusalem) - under directorship of

Professor Reuven Feuerstein.

1990 to presentDirector of Association of Dynamic Assessment and


1990Organizer for First Canadian Conference on Dynamic

Assessment and Instruction (York University/OISE

sponsored).Toronto, September 4-6, 1990.

Popular Media


October 20, 1985The Toronto Star “I.Q. tests.”

October 26, 1985FM 101 Radio (Ottawa) “Dynamic Assessment of Minorities.”

November, 1985The Journal, C.B.C. Television “Blacks in Education”

June, 1988The Toronto Star “Firgrove Project”:on Literacy in the

Jane-Finch Corridor.

December, 1988CHIN Radio “Testing of Vocational Students.”

August, 1989CBC “Radio Noon” (with Stan Karou)“I.Q. Testing and

Ben Johnson.”

January, 1990York Gazette “New Journal Attacks Rushton’s Racial Theories.”

May, 2003Crossroad BroadcastingTV interviews

June, 2003Rogers Cable TV interviews


Professional Affiliations

Ontario Psychological Association

Ontario Secondary School Teacher’s Federation (SSP North York Chapter)

Association of Dynamic Assessment and Instruction

Ontario Education Research Council (past subscriber)

Canadian Register of Health Providers in Psychology

College of Psychology