II.Member: Dr. Anna T. Cianciolo


Dr. Cianciolo is currently a Senior Scientist in Instructional Technology at Global Information Systems Technology, Inc.


Yale University(6/01 – 6/03)

Postdoctoral Associate

Mentor – Robert J. Sternberg

Major research topics:

-          Assessment and Measurement of Practical Intelligence/Tacit Knowledge

-          Experience-based Knowledge, Problem Solving Skills, and Military Leadership

-          Practical Intelligence and Educational Outcomes


Georgia Institute of Technology(May, 2001)

Ph.D. – Engineering Psychology

Advisor – Phillip L. Ackerman

Thesis: Unitary or Differentiated Ability Constructs for Describing Performance? Investigating Individual Differences and Task Characteristics

Minor: Quantification and Modeling of Human Performance


University of Minnesota (December, 1997)

M.A. – Cognitive & Biological Psychology

Advisor: Phillip L. Ackerman


Thesis: Computerized Assessment of Psychomotor Ability

University of MichiganB.A. – Psychology (December, 1995)



Cianciolo, A. T., Grigorenko, E. L., Jarvin, L., Gil, G., Drebot, M. E., & Sternberg, R. J. (Under review.) Tacit Knowledge and Practical Intelligence: Advancements in the Measurement of Developing Expertise.


Cianciolo, A. T., Matthew, C., Wagner, R. K., & Sternberg, R. J. (Under review.) Tacit knowledge, practical intelligence, and expertise. To appear in N. Charness, K. A. Ericsson, P. Feltovich, & R. Hoffman (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance.


Cianciolo, A. T. (In press). The future of leadership development. Contemporary Psychology.

Cianciolo, A. T., & Pursley, D. (In press). Knowing how to lead: Acquiring and using tacit knowledge for successful leadership. To appear in: Military Leadership, 5th Ed. West Point, NY: United States Military Academy.


Cianciolo, A. T., & Sternberg, R. J. (In press). Intelligence: A brief history. Blackwell.


Antonakis, J., Cianciolo, A. T., & Sternberg, R. J. (Eds.). (2004). The nature of leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Cianciolo, A. T., Antonakis, J., & Sternberg, R. J. (2004). Practical intelligence and leadership: Using experience as a “mentor”. In D. V. Day, S. Zaccaro, & S. Halpin (Eds.), Leader development for transforming organizations – Growing leaders for tomorrow (pp. 211-236). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Cianciolo, A. T., & Sternberg, R. J. (2004). Tacit knowledge. In G. R. Goethels, G. J. Sorensen, & J. M. Burns (Eds.), Encyclopedia of leadership (Vol. 4, pp. 1521-1524). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Cianciolo, A. T., & Sternberg, R. J. (2003). Intelligence and memory. In J. H. Byrne (Ed.), Learning and memory (2nd ed., pp. 263-268). New York: Macmillan.

Cianciolo, A. T., & Kirlik, A. (2003). A multi-level, differential perspective on human performance. Contemporary Psychology, 48(2), 221-223.


Ackerman, P. L., & Cianciolo, A. T. (2002). Ability and task constraint determinants of complex task performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 8(3), 194-208.


Cianciolo, A. T. (2002). Using technology to train military pilots. Contemporary Psychology, 47(5), 572-574.

Ackerman, P. L., & Cianciolo, A. T.(2000). Cognitive, perceptual speed, and psychomotor determinants of individual differences during skill acquisition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 6 (4), 259-290.

Ackerman, P. L., & Cianciolo, A. T.(1999).Psychomotor abilities via touchpanel testing: Measurement innovations, construct, and criterion validity.Human Performance, 123 (3/4), 231-273.

Ackerman, P. L., Cianciolo, A. T., & Bowen, K. R.(1999). Improving selection for psychomotor skills in dentistry.Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 43rd Annual Meeting, 898-902.

Cianciolo, A. T., & Ackerman, P. L. (1999). Touchpanel assessment of psychomotor abilities. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 43rd Annual Meeting, 624-628.

Jonides, J., Hartley, A., Marshuetz, C., Smith, E. E., Cianciolo, A. T., Kia, M., & Koeppe, R.(1998). Variations in Verbal Working Memory with Age as Revealed by PET.Paper presented at the 1998 Cognitive Aging Conference: Atlanta.


Cianciolo, A. T. (2003).Using situational judgment tests to assess abilities as developing expertise. Presented at the Yale University Seminar on Abilities and Expertise. New Haven, CT.

Cianciolo, A. T. (2002).Practical intelligence and leadership: Using experience as a “mentor.” Presented at the Army Research Institute Leader Development Workshop. Kansas City, MO.

Cianciolo, A. T. (2002). Making leadership happen: Practical intelligence in the workplace. Presented at the Australian Mines and Metal Association National Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Cianciolo, A. T. (2002).Ability differences and task differences: Implications for performance prediction. Presented at the Yale University Seminar on Abilities and Expertise. New Haven, CT.

Ackerman, P. L., Cianciolo, A. T., & Bowen, K. R.(1999). Improving Selection for Psychomotor Skills in Dentistry.Presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 43rd Annual Meeting. Houston, TX.

Cianciolo, A. T., & Ackerman, P. L.( 1999).Touchpanel Assessment of Psychomotor Abilities.Presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 43rd Annual Meeting. Houston, TX.


Teaching/Advising Experience

Project Supervisor – Yale University (1/02-5/02)

Course: Directed Reading Project (Psych 491b, Undergraduate Level)


Adjunct Professor – University of New Haven(1/02-4/02)

Course: Assessment & Measurement in Education (ED: 682, Graduate Level)


Georgia Institute of Technology (1/00-5/00)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Supervisor – Christopher Hertzog, Ph.D.


OtherUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-ChampaignVisiting Scholar(7/03 – 9/03)


Professional Experience

While visiting the University of IL, I continued work on my ongoing writing projects, including a book with co-author Robert J. Sternberg, A Brief History of Intelligence, a manuscript under review with the journal Intelligence, and a manuscript on tacit knowledge and leadership development solicited by the United States Military Academy for the 2003 Global Leadership Conference.


PACE Center, Yale University(6/01 – 6/03)

Postdoctoral Associate

Supervisor – Robert J. Sternberg, Ph.D.


Georgia Tech Research Institute(5/00-6/01)

Research Assistant

Supervisor – Dennis J. Folds, Ph.D.


Consulting – American Psychological Association(5/00-12/00)

In collaboration with Margaret Beier, M.S., and Phillip L. Ackerman, Ph.D.


Georgia Institute of TechnologyGraduate Research Assistant (1/98-12/99)

Supervisor – Phillip L. Ackerman, Ph.D.


University of MinnesotaGraduate Research Assistant (9/96-12/97)

Supervisor – Phillip L. Ackerman, Ph.D.


University of Michigan(1/95-9/96)

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Supervisor – John Jonides, Ph.D.